“The greatest rivers always find their way to the ocean. Like a ship reaching out to its motherland.”
“Water never stops moving. Rain falls, and runs down a mountain into a river. The river finds its way to the ocean. It evaporates, like a soul, into the clouds. And then, like everything else, it starts all over again.”
“Water seeks its own level. Look at them. The Tigris, the Euphrates, the Mississippi, the Amazon, the Yangtze. The world's great rivers. And every one of them finds its way to the ocean.”
“Truth, like a little dog, will always find its way out into the street.”
“I am like a ship, cast out in the ocean to bob aimlessly amidst the waves. No, I correct myself silently. Not a ship. More like the buoy that the ship runs over.”
“If one drop of rain can find its way to the ocean, one prayer can find its way to God”