“Great praxis demands great piety.”
“When the great Tao is forgotten,goodness and piety appear.When the body's intelligence declines,cleverness and knowledge step forth.When there is no peace in the family,filial piety begins.When the country falls into chaos,patriotism is born.”
“I am sure your piety does you great credit, Margaret. But certainly, if God is speaking to the king, then He has not chosen the best time for this conversation.”
“There is no beyond, there is only here, the infinitely small, infinitely great and utterly demanding present.”
“Why could you not have left me as I was, in the sea of being?""Because the world has need of your humility, your piety, your great teaching and your Machiavellian scheming.”
“Empires fall, ids explode, great symphonies are written, and behind all of it is a single instinct that demands satisfaction.”