“Otis, at last, removed his eyes from Jane. "All very well, my friend, but I must side with Miss Clarke here. The soldiers in this town have been treated abominably."The table went still.Otis went on. "Admit it, Freeman. Mud throwing and name-calling are one thing, but the courts - any flimsy charge against a soldier upheld, outrageous fines put down - criminal! The law must not be conscripted to serve one particular cause. To lost the law is to lose the fight.""With respect, sir," Nate said, "I say when a people are under an illegal occupation they must fight with what they've got to hand."Aunt Gill said, "And what have we got to hand but a few stories in the paper?"Jane looked at her aunt in surprise. Another we."We have the people, Aunt," Nate answered her. "Thirty thousand from all the outlying towns, ready to march at a minute's notice, and all it takes to call them is a flaming barrel of pitch on the beacon hill.”

Sally Gunning

Sally Gunning - “Otis, at last, removed his eyes from...” 1

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