“The inevitable triumph of illusion over reality that was the single most obvious truth about the history of the human race.”
“I've always preferred mythology to history. History is truth that becomes an illusion. Mythology is an illusion that becomes reality.”
“The idea that truth always triumphs over persecution is one of those pleasant falsehoods, which most experience refutes. History is teeming with instances of truth put down by persecution. If not put down forever, it may be set back for centuries.”
“The history of the human race is the history of human hatred. Even love cannot erase such intense hatred.”
“The imagination is not a faculty for the creation of illusion; it is the faculty by which alone man apprehends reality. The ‘illusion’ turns out to be truth.”
“It may help to understand human affairs to be clear that most of the great triumphs and tragedies of history are caused, not by people being fundamentally good or fundamentally bad, but by people being fundamentally people.”