“they came in search of the hot stuff, just like any man calling on a tart.”
“Jocko likes salty, Jocko likes sweet, but never bring Jocko any hot sauce, like with jalapenos, because it makes Jocko squirt funny-smelling stuff out his ears.”
“Bung upwards, she means, Your Grace," a tart called out.”
“They certainly know their stuff, and any remaining mistakes or intentional variations from the factual are my own doing. In fact, why don't we just say any variations from the factual are intentional and call it good.”
“Wow. Being responsible sure takes it out of you. This calls for a Pop-Tart.”
“We walked back the way we came, and even though it was dark there were no lights burning inside the houses. They were like people without hearts; raspberry tarts without the jam.”