“When a country goes to war, men can no longer operate free and open laboratories. The Government would like to know what you are doing. Businesses became corporations, the individual thinker became unpatriotic.”

Samantha Hunt

Samantha Hunt - “When a country goes to war, men can no...” 1

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“I heard somebody open and shut the gate to the barn lot, but I didn't look around. If I didn't look around it would not be true that somebody had opened the gate with the creaky hinges, and that is a wonderful principle for a man to get hold of... What you don't know know don't hurt you, for it ain't real. They called that Idealism in my book I had when I was in college, and after I got hold of that principle I became an Idealist... If you are an Idealist it does not matter what you do or what goes on around you because it isn't real anyway.”

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