“Be not too hasty," said Imlac, "to trust or to admire the teachers of morality: they discourse like angels, but they live like men.”
“I know what good morals are,but you're supposed to disregard good morals when you're living in a crazy, bad world. If you're in hell, how can you live like an angel? You're surrounded by devils,trying to be an angel? That's like suicide.”
“Devils are depicted with bats' wings and good angels with birds' wings, not because anyone holds that moral deterioration would be likely to turn feathers into membrane, but because most men like birds better than bats.”
“Trust no one," said Sullivan, "especially Teachers.”
“Methinks love maketh men like Angels.”
“Love children especially, for they too are sinless like the angels; they live to soften and purify our hearts and, as it were, to guide us.”