“What is it about friendship that makes being among friends so much richer than being among the most accomplished and interesting strangers?"---Connecting”
“The great unsold truth of libraries is that people need them not because they’re about study and solitude, but because they’re about connection. Connection with other worlds and different views, even if that’s no more than being among other people thinking and breathing.”
“I miss being a student," said Abdul Wahid. "I miss the passionate discussions with my friends, and most of all the hours among the books.”
“I’m not so sure that live is always better. It is part of the extrovert assumption to value interaction over inner action. Most introverts savor live time with a close friend, because they know there will be plenty of inner action for both of them. But much of what we call “social” in America allows for very little inner action. Emailing a friend or posting a blog entry will probably feel much richer, and help us feel much closer, than being up close and impersonal.”
“Becoming well known (at least among your prospects & connections) is the most valuable element in the connection process.”
“It was about sharing our lives. Building a dream. Starting a family. Together. It was about life being so much richer, so fuller, just because you were at my side.”