“From a mind filled with infinite love comes the power to create infinite possibilities. We have the power to think in ways that reflect and attract all the love in the world. Such thinking is called enlightenment. Enlightenment is not a process we work toward, but a choice available to us in any instant.”
“If there isn't an emanation of love and joy, complete presence and openness toward all beings, then it is not enlightenment.”
“I was attracted to Robert's work because his visual vocabulary was akin to my poetic one, even if we seemed to be moving toward different destinations. Robert always would tell me, "Nothing is finished until you see it.”
“Humanity is like a drop of rain on a mountaintop, so long as it moves, you can measure all of its twists and turns and conclude that it is heading toward an overall destination, and it may in fact be moving toward a destination, but that is little reason to think that it will necessarily get there. Moths are drawn to a flame, that they have survived is proof that, thankfully, we do not always reach our destination.”
“[Mr. Principi] "My question to you, class, is our species crawling toward re-enlightenment or limping toward extinction?"The smart aleck behind me. . . was threatened by my propensity to fight when he should have been afraid of Mr. Principi's question.”