“The information paradox- that the more data we have, the stupider we become- has a social corollary, too: that the more frantically we connect, one to another, the more disconnected our relationships become.”
“The more comfortable we become with being stupid, the deeper we will wade into the unknown and the more likely we are to make big discoveries”
“Members in the Commonwealth of God are not bound together by the specifics of their religion, for the nature of our interdependency does not require this. Rather we are bound by the shared recognition that when one person suffers, all suffer; when we violate one life, all lives are violated; when we pollute the earth, all living things are stained; when one nation threatens the security of another, it, too, becomes less secure; when we place the planet in mortal danger, we hazard the future of our own children as well as the children of our enemies.”
“The most dangerous identity is that of victim. Once we see ourselves as victims, we can clearly identify a enemy. Steeped in our own victimhood, we no longer feel bound by moral considerations in becoming perpetrators.”
“We are bound by the secrets we share.”