“There is no hell or heaven for those who are in love, love is pure form of human beings, love is the wind which touches your heart when you are in pain.”

Santosh Kalwar

Santosh Kalwar - “There is no hell or heaven for those...” 1

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“I love how you feel in my arms, how you respond to my touch and how your face takes on an expression of pure rapture when we make love. When we’re apart I ache to be with you. There is no doubt in my mind that what I feel for you is the truest, deepest form of love possible.”

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“FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE, MY HEART!For heaven's sake, my heart, keep secret your love, and hide the secret from those you see and you will have better fortune.He who reveals secrets is considered a fool; silence and secrecy are much better for him who falls in love.For heaven's sake, my heart, if someone asks, "What has happened?", do not answer.If you are asked, "Who is she?";Say she is in love with anotherAnd pretend that it is of no consequence.For heaven's sake, my love, conceal your passion; your sickness is also your medicine because love to the soul is as wine in a glass - what you see is liquid, what is hidden is its spirit.For heaven's sake, my heart, conceal your troubles; then, should the seas roar and the skies fall, you will be safe.”

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