“every story - love or war - is a story about looking left when we should have been looking right.”
“Every story is a story about death. But perhaps, if we are lucky, our story about death is also a story about love.”
“The point is the love story. We live in a love story in the midst of war.”
“She's right. We would compose poems about love and tell stories that have been heard in some form before. But it would be our first time feeling and telling.”
“My mother knew a man during the war. Theirs was a love story, and like any good love story, it left blood on the floor and wreckage in its wake.”
“The Bible was written two thousand years ago. The world is a different place now. Stories that had meaning then are meaningless now. Beliefs that might have been valid then are invalid now. Those books should be looked at in the same way we look at anything of that age with interest with an acknowledgement of the historical importance but they should not be thought of as anything that has any value.”