“These emotions, this love, this fear, this gratitude, this relief, the grief – none of it reallyexists. None of it has mass or location, none of it can be weighed or photographed. None ofthese emotions last, none of them can be measured – except in that very moment when we'refeeling them. They're like music – once the notes are played, they disappear. They only existin that moment in time. Love isn't merely something we feel, it's something we create –something we have to keep creating in each and every moment. It's a song we have to keepplaying.Because we know it doesn't really exist. We can't hold it. We can't lock it away. We can'tinsure it. It's just a melody we play on and on. Our own Songline. We can only go on playingit, moment by moment, until we're all out of moments.It seems sort of pointless, striving so hard for perfection in something that doesn't reallyexist. But, my, what a symphony it is.And it's funny really, because for something that doesn't exist, it seems to be the onlything that human beings never run out of. As long as we have faith in its magic, love is theonly thing that lasts.”

Sarah MacManus

Sarah MacManus - “These emotions, this love, this fear...” 1

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