“Abby's my sister, Hudson. We're twins.""Oh thank God! I mean thank God... that you... have a sister... what a special... um, napkin?”
“Anyway, what about you? How's, um, Abby? Angie? What's her name?"Oh, Hudson. Your suavity is an example to us all.”
“JOH! Thank God I found you.”“I have 9022 gods listed in my database. Must I thank all of them?”
“Remind me to thank God I don’t have a sister.”Caine eyed him critically. He was a filthy heap of blood and soot and sand stuck to the gun oil on his face. “Yeah,” without much enthusiasm. “I’ll thank Him for ya.”
“Thank God for what you have, and trust God for what you need”
“Thank you, Wanda. My sister. I will never forget you.Be happy, Mel. Enjoy it all. Appreciate it for me.”