“Sink every impulse like a bolt. Secure The bastion of sensation. Do not waver Into language. Do not waver in it.”
“In lower Manhattan there is an improbable point where Waverly Place intersects Waverly Place. It was there that I met Veronica, on a snowy, windy night.”
“Grief teaches the steadiest minds to waver.”
“I waver, continually fly to the summit of the mountain, but cannot stay up there for more than a moment. Others waver too, but in lower regions, with greater strength; if they are in danger of falling, they are caught up by the kinsman who walks beside them for that purpose. But I waver on the heights; it is not death, alas, but the eternal torments of dying.”
“The world wavered and quivered and threatened to burst into flames.”
“Delk shifted in his chair, the arrow point never wavering. "What do you want?""Oh, the usual.World peace, a pair of Christian Louboton heels, a perfect wedding.”