“We can’t be fully transformed in our own backyard. We need to journey.”
“We are each on our own journey; and while that journey always interacts with those of others, it remains uniquely ours. To understand it we need the eyes of a child.”
“It was like when we were little kids and we played games on the ivy-covered hillside in the backyard. We were warriors and wizards and angels and high elves and that was our reality. If someone said, Isn’t it cute, look at them playing, we would have smiled back, humoring them, but it wasn’t playing. It was transformation. It was our own world. Our own rules.”
“If we listen and observe carefully the dying can teach us important things that we need to learn in preparing for the end of our own life's journey.”
“The transformative power of love is not fully embraced in our society because we often wrongly believe that torment and anguish are our ‘natural’ condition.”
“Anything we fully do is an alone journey.”