“With wisdom all choices are made with Divine Intent. With compassion all choices are made with Love. Divine Inspiration comes through the heart. Through the mind comes the ability to manifest the inspiration in the physical.”
“There comes a time when you have to step into your mastery and trust that the divine intelligence that fueled the hearts and minds we quote and look to for inspiration is the same divine intelligence driving each and every one of us...”
“Virtue comes through contemplation of the divine, and the exercise of philosophy. But it also comes through public service. The one is incomplete without the other. Power without wisdom is tyranny; wisdom without power is pointless.”
“Serenity comes from the ability to say “Yes” to existence. Courage comes from the ability to say “No” to the wrong choices made by others.”
“Creation takes place through words, a series of 'And God Saids' bringing each new stage of life into being. Language is God's divine power made manifest in the world.”
“I believe that we carry within us a divinely inspired moral imperative to love ... We have within us the ability to change for the better and to find dignity as individuals rather than as drones in one mass movement or another. We have the ability to love, the need to be loved, and the willingness to put our own lives on the line to protect those we love, and it is in these aspects of ourselves that we can glimpse the face of God; and through the exercise of these qualities, we come to a Godlike state.”