“Falling in love is no way of getting to know someone.”
“There's a big difference between falling in love with someone and falling in love with someone and getting married. Usually, after you get married, you fall in love with the person even more.”
“You can love someone as many ways as water falls from the sky. Sometimes it falls with thunder and lightning; other times it falls silently. Sometimes it falls as cool snow, and other times hard balls of ice beat down. If you want the water, you don't get to choose how it falls.”
“It was such a strange sensation knowing that someone loved you enough to die for you but not enough to fall in love with you.”
“Falling in love with someone is the surest highway to hurt that I know. When the door to love opens, the window to control closes.”
“Often romantic relationships fail because you are trying to get someone to fall in love with the YOU that you never discovered.”