“When we come to understand not only WHO we are, but who we always have been – and therefore, who we may become – the choice between following Christ or embracing the world is really no choice at all.”
“Circumstances shape who we are and who we become. I believe that. But I also believe we have choices. There are always choices.”
“There is a direct relationship between our personal experience with the Lord and how we see ourselves. The closer we grow to him, the more clear and complete becomes our vision of who we are, who we have always been, and who we may become.”
“Only our choices show who we really are.”
“Thus, for followers of Christ, calling neutralizes the fundamental position of choice in modern life. “I have chosen you,” Jesus said, “you have not chosen me.” We are not our own; we have been bought with a price. We have no rights, only responsibilities. Following Christ is not our initiative, merely our response, in obedience. Nothing works better to debunk the pretensions of choice than a conviction of calling. Once we have been called, we literally “have no choice.”
“We understand now, we've been made to understand, and to embrace the understanding that who we are is who we were.”