“Look and you wlll see, that which was can never be. When they seek a boy your age, Run, you flippin moron, run!”
“You freaking, flippin’, moronic frat boy!”
“Everyone runs away from something, but who are you running to? Who are you running with? Why are you running for? Why run at all?”
“run run run Hermione. You have in your hands a message and a token...run and run and run and run Hermione. You know running and running and running that the messenger will take (lampadephoros) your message in its fervour and you will sink down exhausted...run,run, Hermione. For the message-bearer next in line has turned against you...dead, dead or forgotten. Hecate at crossroads, a destruction...”
“Expel the object!" Freak shouts. "Regurgitate, you big moron!" and he gives me another thump and I cough up this yucky mess, but I'm still laughing so hard my nose is running.”