“So how many women have you visited in their dreams? (Geary)Is this one of those questions that if I don’t answer it correctly, you get angry at me? (Arik)”
“Thank you, Geary. (Arik)For what? (Geary)For giving me a life that is the best dream I’ve ever had. (Arik)”
“Don’t you have a girlfriend or family you’d rather be with? (Geary)Only Solin, and honestly, he’s not this soft. Even if he was, it’d be gross. (Arik)”
“Okay, I don’t like it when you walk away from me, but other than that...(Arik)Yeah, I guess that makes sense. You transcend a dimension to come here and I brush you off. I can see where that might get annoying. (Geary)”
“So what were you doing there?” Here’s the frustrating thing about Nate, one of those things that happy memories conveniently glossed over. A lot of times, you had to ask him a question more than once to get a straight answer. He loved to answer questions you’d never asked, or to answer a question with another question. “Do I really have to answer that, Kyrie?” See? “Don’t you trust me?” See?!”
“It’s a yes then? (Arik)No. I thought I’d walk through hell to reclaim you and carry your baby just for the heck of it. Who needs marriage. (Geary)I do! (Arik)Good. I can let you live another day. (Geary)”