“So tell me, do you want Simi to be your family? (Simi)Yes, Simi, I would like to be your family. (Gallagher)Good. You’re such a smart Dark-Hunter.(Simi)”

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Sherrilyn Kenyon - “So tell me, do you want Simi to be...” 1

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Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Don’t you want Simi to be your family?...This is the part where you say, ‘Yes, Simi, I would like to be your family.’ ‘Cause if you don’t, then I’ll have to take my mitt back and barbecue you. Akri is still upset about the last Dark-Hunter I barbecued and that was…oh, a thousand or so years ago. He part elephant when it comes to remembering things. (Simi)”

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“I miss my family. (Gallagher)I miss mine too. My mama was good people. ‘Simi,’ she would say, ‘I love you.’ Akri loves me too. See, akri even gave me hornay warmers so my horns wouldn’t get cold. You want some hornay warmers too? (Simi)I don’t have horns. (Gallagher)I could give you some real colorful ones. Akri has some black ones, but he doesn’t let other people see them. (Simi)Ash has horns? (Gallagher)Oh my, yes. They are quite lovely. Not as lovely as mine, but they are still very nice. The Simi would say she hopes you see them, but if you ever did, you’d be dead and I think the Simi would miss you. You seem very nice too. (Simi)”

Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“Why are you so sad, akri? (Simi)I’m not sad, Simi. (Acheron)Yes you are. I know you, akri, you gots that pain in your heart like the Simi gets whenever she cries. (Simi)”

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“Okay, gimmi a kiss and I’ll go. (Simi)Not in front of the Hunter, Simi. (Acheron)The Simi wants a kiss, akri. I’ll wait all century. You know I will. (Simi)”

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