“If everyone does as I’ve instructed, then things should work out the way they’re meant to. (Acheron)And if we don’t? (Talon)We’re all screwed. (Acheron)Gee, Ash, you’re just so damn comforting. (Nick)I try to be anyway. (Acheron)You fail admirably. (Nick)”
“screwed blued and tattooed”
“We’re so screwed. (Cassandra)Yeah, well, I don’t let anyone screw me until they kiss me, and since there’s not even a snowball’s chance in hell of me kissing that bastard, we’re not screwed. (Wulf)”
“The pretty nurse had just injected her with something that totally rocked, and if she wanted to think about boinking a bronzed, tattooed, impossibly handsome doctor who was so far out of her league she need a telescope to see him, then screw it. Screw him. Over and over.”
“Screw what Mom and Dad think. Screw the rest of the town. Screw perfection. This girl is mine.”