“Why did you leave? (Aiden)I took care of the person harassing him. Threat gone. Job eliminated. Anything else you want to know? Dental records, fingerprints? Retinal scan? (Leta)Urine sample would work. (Aiden)What cup you want me to use? (Leta)Does anything faze you? (Aiden)I fight people for a living. Do you honestly think peeing in a cup is going to frighten me? (Leta)”

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Sherrilyn Kenyon - “Why did you leave? (Aiden)I took...” 1

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“Anything else you want to know? Dental records, fingerprints? Retinal scan?" "Urine sample would work." She rolled her eyes. "What cup you want me to use?" He was intrigued by her comebacks and the fact that she didn't appear angry over his questioning and word choice. "Does anything faze you?" "I fight people for a living. Do you honestly think peeing in a cup is going to frighten me?" She had a point… providing she wasn't lying about her occupation. Without a word, Aidan pulled a glass out of his cabinet and handed it to her. Her jaw dropped. "You've got to be kidding me? You really want a urine sample?" He actually smiled at her question. "Not hardly, but I thought you might be thirsty. The drinks are in the fridge."For once he saw relief in her gaze before she went and poured herself a glass of milk. "Thanks for showing some mercy." "Yeah," he said bitterly. "Just remember to return the favor." "Is that supposed to mean something?" He shrugged. "Just in my experience, all people do is take. None of them give a damn about helping someone else." "And sometimes people can surprise you." "Yeah. You're right. I'm constantly amazed by the unprovoked treachery they're capable of." She shook her head. "Wow, you arejaded.(Leta & Aidan)”

Sherrilyn Kenyon
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“What about when they’re hibernating? (Leta)The coyotes get them. (Aiden)Well, then, I guess you need to go ahead and shoot me and get it over with. The coyotes are probably starving in this weather. (Leta)”

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