“Why on earth would you want to talk to me? (Channon)My lady, do you not own a mirror? (Sebastian)Yes, but it’s not an enchanted one. (Channon)”
“So, how do you kill a dragon? (Channon)With a very sharp sword. (Sebastian)”
“You know, I keep having this really weird feeling that you’re going to take me someplace later and tie me up so that your friends can come laugh at me. (Channon)Does that happen to you often? (Sebastian)No, never, but this night has the makings for a Twilight Zone episode. (Channon)”
“Well, I would turn into a dragon and fly you home, but something tells me you would protest. (Sebastian)No doubt. I imagine the scales would also chafe my skin. (Channon)True. Not to mention, I once learned the hard way that they really do call the military out on you. You know, fighter jets are hard to dodge when you have a forty-foot wingspan. (Sebastian)”
“Dragons have sharp talons. Sometimes I don’t get out of the way quickly enough. (Sebastian)Maybe you should fight smaller dragons. (Channon)”
“I can’t imagine a man so handsome without a line of willing women fighting behind him. (Channon)Looks aren’t all there is in this world, my lady. They are certainly no protection against being alone. Hearts never see through the eyes. (Sebastian)”