“You are so vicious. (Tee)Hence the nickname. (Syd)You know it’s bad when you make me look like Glinda the Good Witch, right? (Tee)Just call me Elphaba. But don’t drop a house on me, ‘kay? (Syd)”
“Has anyone ever won an argument with you? (Syd)Just Tee, and I was drunk and wounded at the time. (Joe)”
“Where’s he shooting from? (Syd)I don’t know. You want to go look out the window and tell me the answer? (Steele)”
“Oh, my God, are you okay? (Syd)You ever nick yourself while shaving? (Steele)Yeah. (Syd)You know the burn you get that hurts like hell? (Steele)Yeah. (Syd)This is nothing like that. It’s a lot worse. (Steele)”
“Oh, sheez, what’s Syd Vicious doing back in town? (Payne)How’d the testicle retrieval go, Payne? You still limping?...Thought so. I got the thank-you card from Planned Parenthood last week. Seems they want to honor me for saving the gene pool. (Syd)”
“You’re my gold, nahna xaxsah is my hahnee rah. Kay jahnan nahna lisa, na uvan tee luh kay. Ana kay jahnan nahna pahnsahna, Circe. Kay nayeesan tee. Fahzah.You’re my gold, your cunt is my liquid gold. I will have your mouth, you will give it to me. Then I will have your spirit, Circe. I will own it. Always.”