“Sometimes my thoughts are too slimy for my brain, and they come shooting out of my penis. They are life-changing thoughts, so I’d recommend taking them deep inside of you. ”
“Haven't you ever heard of the saying, "If you want to shoot the general, first shoot the horse!"?' --LinIf you wanna shoot the general, then you should just SHOOT THE GENERAL!' --Ed”
“If only someone had told me about the confidence-boosting nature of guns, I’d have been shooting them all my life.”
“I think you know if you disappeared from my life I’d be upset, but ultimately I’d make myself a new invisible cloak, to replace the one you stole.”
“And if I don’t want you to? (Ravyn)You know, you’d look really weird in a dress and high heels. (Susan)What’s that supposed to mean? (Ravyn)It means you’re not my mother. Now stop arguing and help me find my shoes. (Susan)”