“You’re not done with me entirely, human. I’m the mother of his daughter. (Artemis)You’re right. You are Katra’s mother, poor her. But you’re wrong about one thing. (Tory)And that is? (Artemis)I’m no longer human. I’m the Atlantie Kedemonia Theony – the guardian of the Atlantean gods. And right now there’s only one of them walking about and to save him from one more bad memory created by you, I’d bathe in your entrails, bitch. As for Kat, she’s a big girl – I know, I used to live with her. She’ll survive the death of her mother. Trust me, I have firsthand experience with the subject. (Tory)”

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Sherrilyn Kenyon - “You’re not done with me entirely...” 1

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