“You're not that girl,' Cole said, sounding tired. 'Trust me, I've seen enough of them to know. Look. Don't cry. You're not that girl either.' 'Oh yeah? What girl am I?''I'll let you know when I figure it out. Just don't cry.”
“She loves him with a love that sees no flaws, find no fault, knows no bounds...Oh God, please don't let her hurt too badly and, please, never, never let me love like that.”
“Let me come in, please. I’m tired of being alone.”
“You get mad at me, you kick the tire, I don't get a bruise, the tire doesn't care, and you're the only one hurting. How's that working for you, Kip?”
“What!? I dont need you to introduce me to her! I really don't care! Just leave me alone and let me play this game!' said Akira 'Please! If you don't, she'll kill me!' said Kengo 'Fine... go ahead and die.' 'You're so awful!”