“The thing about fairy tales was having faith in the things that don't come true, and appreciating them when they do.”
“It could have been like a fairy tale. But fairy tales aren't real. Things don't work like that. There's a price for everything.”
“People have to experience things that terrify them. If they don't, how will they ever come to appreciate safety?”
“Fairy Tales do not generally come true. If you mary a frog, he stays a frog.”
“When you are young so many things are difficult to believe, and yet the dullest people will tell you that they are true--such things, for instance, as that the earth goes round the sun, and that it is not flat but round. But the things that seem really likely, like fairy-tales and magic, are, so say the grown-ups, not true at all. Yet they are so easy to believe, especially when you see them happening.”
“Yule—Yul log for the Christmas-fire tale-spinner—of fairy tales that can come true: Yul Brynner.”