“Conversation between Siddhartha, who has temporarily given up all worldly possessions in order to experience total poverty first hand, talks to a merchant.That seems to be the way of things. Everyone takes, everyone gives. Life is like that" (said Siddhartha)Ah, but if you are without possessions, how can you give?"Everyone gives what he has. The soldier gives strength, the merchant goods, the teacher instructions, the farmer rice, the fisherman fish."Very well and what can you give? What have you learned that you can give(the merchant asks of Siddhartha)I can think, I can wait, I can fast."Is that all?"I think that is all."And of what use are they? For example, fasting, what good is that?"It is of great value, sir. If a man has nothing to eat, fasting is the most intelligent thing he can do. If, for instance, Siddhartha had not learned to fast, he would have had to seek some kind of work today, either with you, or elsewhere, for hunger would have driven him. But, as it is, Siddhartha can wait calmly. He is not impatient, he is not in need, he can ward off hunger for a long time and laugh at it. Therefore, fasting is useful, sir.”


Siddhartha - “Conversation between Siddhartha, who has...” 1

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