“I will survive, Tracy thought. I face mine enemies naked, and my courage is my shield.”
“My face is a shield.”
“...with every step I thought of my mother's courage as she faced her judges. With every step I thought of her cleaving to the truth even as she fell the short distance of the rope. With every step I thought of her pride, her strength, her love. And with every step I thought, I am my mother's daughter, I am my mother's daughter...”
“His head dropped to watch his thumb move over my fingers as he muttered, “Naked, baby.”My head twitched at his weird word.“Pardon?”His eyes came to mine and he repeated, “Naked.”I felt my brows draw together and I asked, “Naked?”He held my gaze even as he moved...”
“My best testimonies are from the times I thought I couldn't survive.”
“Will I be subtly influenced by what my clone says, or by my own subconscious? Will my thoughts really be mine, or will they be mine—the other me?”