“It's cool in the basement, so I pull the blanket up to my chest. Caleb slides in beside me, and I feel his bare legs against mine. "You're shivering," he says, his voice a low whisper."I'm a little cold... and a little nervous.""Don't be nervous, Maggie. It's juste me."It's the real Caleb, without the tough facade. I'm glad it's completely dark now and he can't see my trembling fingers as they move up to his beautiful face. "I know."He pulls me closer. I rest my head in the crook of his arm and am more content than ever."Maggie ?""Yeah ?""Thanks.""For what ?""For making me feel alive again."I drape my arm across his chest, the warmth of his skin melting into mine. I want to remember this night forever, because we'll probably never get another chance to hold each other like this again. It makes me want to do more than just sleep in his arms. I try and relax, to slow my own erratic heartbeat as I wrap my right leg, the one that wasn't severely damaged in the accident, around him. It's a definite hint that I'm ready to do more than just lie in his arms.He moans in response. "Maggie, you're treading into dangerous territory. I'm trying to be a good, honorable guy here."" I know. But I'm not asking you to be one.""You sure you know what you're getting into ?""Nope. I've got no clue." I start kissing and feeling my way across his broad chest."You're killing me", he says, his hands slowly reaching for me and urging me up so we're face to face.”

Simone Elkeles

Simone Elkeles - “It's cool in the basement, so I pull...” 1

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