Sitting Bull's quote, "It does not take many words to tell the truth," emphasizes the simplicity and power of speaking the truth. By using few words, one can convey the truth effectively and directly. This quote suggests that honesty and integrity are straightforward and do not require embellishment or elaborate explanations. Sitting Bull's words serve as a reminder to always strive for honesty and transparency in communication.
In today's fast-paced world where information is constantly being shared and consumed, the quote by Sitting Bull, "It does not take many words to tell the truth," holds a profound relevance. In a society inundated with noise and distractions, being able to communicate the truth concisely and effectively is a valuable skill. This quote reminds us of the importance of clarity and brevity in conveying the truth, and how impactful a few simple words can be in getting our message across.
Sitting Bull once said, “It does not take many words to tell the truth”. This quote emphasizes the importance of simplicity and honesty when conveying information.
“It does not require many words to speak the truth.”
“a truth does not take too long to tell, only a fiction requires so much thought”
“Dershowitz may have felt justified in misleading the jury because, in his words, “the courtroom oath—‘to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth’—is applicable only to witnesses. Defense attorneys, prosecutors, and judges don’t take this oath…indeed, it is fair to say the American justice system is built on a foundation of not telling the whole truth.”
“There are many things which can not be expressed by words. There are many words which can not be spelled by human tongue. There are many tongues which utter one single truth.”
“How many midgets does it take to take over the world? I’m not sure, but I’d guess twice as many.”