“Is that the only way?" Tom asked her. "Vik and I tried net-sending with a thought interface during Programming once, but I couldn't concentrate on just one thing at a time."Vik nodded. "His programming questions were always like, 'Vik, how do steak boobs function?”
“Hey, boss? (Vik)Not now, Vik. (Syn)Dude, listen to the metallic life form. (Vik)”
“Vik? You ready? (Devyn)Your stupidity is what I live for, Captain. (Vik)”
“He likes her.""Yuri, no!" Vik said. Yuri turned redder, confirming it. "Yuri, come on, man," Tom cried. Yuri gave a helpless shrug. "Divisions cannot divide human hearts." "Oh God," Vik cried, clapping hands over his ears. "He's even spouting cheesy lines now. Make him stop, Tom!" "I can't!" Tom told him. "My ears... They're bleeding. Bleeding!" "It's a brain hemorrhage! He's murdered us!" Vik said. "Murderer!" Tom cried, fake collapsing onto the ground.Yuri shook his head. "This is not very mature.”
“Dammit, Vik. How can you not know what’s wrong with this thing? Can’t you commune with it or something? (Devyn)My name is not ‘Dammit, Vik’ and I find it ironic that you think I can commune with all metal beings when you can barely communicate your point of view to your own parents. And they birthed you. I did not give birth to this ship. Last time I checked, I was male and that would be impossible on a multitude of levels. (Vik)”
“Sway’s an idiot who didn’t order them when we used up the last bunch. (Vik)Isn’t that your job? (Devyn)No. I’m the sub-idiot. Sway’s head idiot because the company refuses to deal with mechas. Since I’m not organic, they think I can’t pay. (Vik)Thanks, Vik. (Devyn)Ever my pleasure to irritate you, sir. (Vik)”