“Liberals always say about totalitarians that they like humanity, as such, but they have no empathy for concrete people, no? OK, that fits me perfectly. Humanity? Yes, it's OK – some great talks, some great arts. Concrete people? No, 99% are boring idiots.”
“...it can be so boring being you sometimes, and if you were the most special thing like that, it could be really great, but maybe some people say the same thing about you, and you want to tell those people: 'No, you're stupid, it's no fun being me.”
“some may think that to affirm dialogue—the encounter of women and men in the world in order to transform the world—is naively and subjectively idealistic. there is nothing, however, more real or concrete than people in the world and with the world, than humans with other humans.”
“OK. Yoga position 99.”
“It is in literature that the concrete outlook of humanity receives its expression.”
“Some people think they have to marry someone just like themselves. Well, if you want to do that, it's ok. It might be more interesting though if you marry someone who is not just like you. Hmmmmmmm.”