“Maybe you’re so good at listening that you have no idea when to speak.” ~Braeden”
“What good was speaking when I'd determined none of the world listened to one another, especially not when a woman was speaking.”
“Just tell yourself you’re good. That’ll take care of any idea that you have about not being good enough.”
“Judas said, "Master, as you have listened to all of them, now also listen to me. For I have seen a great vision." And when Jesus heard this, he laughed and said to him, "You thirteenth daimon, why do you try so hard? But speak up, and I shall bear with you.”
“If you want to write, you can. Fear stops most people from writing, not lack of talent, whatever that is. Who am I? What right have I to speak? Who will listen to me if I do? You’re a human being, with a unique story to tell, and you have every right. If you speak with passion, many of us will listen. We need stories to live, all of us. We live by story. Yours enlarges the circle.”
“When the wisdom speaks, be quite and listen! When the stupidity speaks, stand up and leave!”