“Weak people always attack strong people - it's safer. It's weak people who are dangerous, who lash out uncontrollably and hurt you back. Stong people can walk away - no repercussions, you see, if you attack a stong person.”
“It's the people who seem weak who are always suprisingly strong, and the ones who seem strong who are unexpectledly weak.”
“Have you noticed it's always unhappy people who attack the things happy people believe in?”
“Watch out for people who feel weak. They may want to feel strong one day and you might not survive that moment.”
“Aid workers, when handing out food to starving people, quickly learn that the people fighting for it at the front are the people who need it least. It's the people sitting quietly at the back, too weak to fight, who need it the most. And so too with tragedy.”
“The power of "can't": The word "can't" makes strong people weak, blinds people who can see, saddens happy people, turns brave people into cowards, robs a genius of their brilliance, causes rich people to think poorly, and limits the achievements of that great person living inside us all.”