“This is what's so annoying about going out with Luke. You can't get away with anything.”
“You know anything about investigative work?""Sure. Annoy the people involved until the guilt party tries to make you go away.”
“It's Paradise, but we can't get out of it. And anything you can't get out of is Hell.”
“You can't start worrying about what's going to happen. You get spastic enough worrying about what's happening now.”
“It's not about knowing who you are. It's about thinkin you got there without takin anything with you. Your notions about startin over. or anybody's. You dont start over. That's what it's about. Every step you take is forever. You can't make it go away. None of it.”
“At the banquet table of nature, there are no reserved seats. You get what you can take, and you keep what you can hold. If you can't take anything, you won't get anything, and if you can't hold anything, you won't keep anything. And you can't take anything without organization.”