“Our world is in turmoil. It is aging toward senility. It isvery ill. Long ago it was born with brilliant prospects. Itwas baptized by water, and its sins were washed away. Itwas never baptized by fire, for that is still to come. It hashad shorter periods of good health, but longer ones ofailing. Most of the time there have been pains and achesin some parts of its anatomy, but now that it is growingold, complications have set in, and all the ailments seemto be everywhere.The world has been ‘cliniced,’ and the complexdiseases have been catalogued. The physicians have hadsummit consultations, and temporary salve has beenrubbed on afflicted parts, but it has only postponed thefatal day and never cured it. It seems that while remedieshave been applied, staph infection has set in, and thepatient’s suffering intensified. His mind is wandering. Itcannot remember its previous illnesses nor the curewhich was applied. The political physicians through theages have rejected suggested remedies as unprofessionalsince they came from lowly prophets. Man being whathe is with tendencies such as he has, results can beprognosticated with some degree of accuracy.”

Spencer W. Kimball

Spencer W Kimball - “Our world is in turmoil. It is...” 1

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