“HOw did you tell someone the truth when you weren't even sure what that was?”
“How do you tell someone that you weren't the person he thought you were? And more importantly, how did you tell him that you'd meant the things you'd said, when everything else about you turned out to be a lie.”
“But I hadn't known what love was. And I wondered how you could ever be sure, when you thought you loved someone, if you really did.”
“I don't even want to spend the rest of my life with me.. how do you explain to someone you love that you can't give yourself to them because if you did, you're not sure who you'd be giving? That you aren't sure what your own words are worth? You can't tell someone that, especially someone you love. And so you don't.Instead, I do the right thing. I lie.”
“When did you trust someone to hold a truth as carefully as you did?”
“If you like someone, you tell the truth because that, to me, is respect. If you hate someone, you tell them the truth because what do you have to lose?”