“A person that has more intelligence than education always makes his own grade!”
“An intelligent person, looking out of his eyes and hearkening in his ears, with a smile on his face all the time, will get more true education than many another in a life of heroic vigils".”
“A person whose desires and impulses are his own—are the expression of his own nature, as it has been developed and modified by his own culture—is said to have a character. One whose desires and impulses are not his own, has no character, no more than a steam-engine has character…”
“Make no mistake: Your salary is held to the same standards your grades were held to in the educational system, where you couldn't surpass a 100 no matter how hard you worked or how intelligent you were.”
“Great novels are always a little more intelligent than their authors.”
“A book is like a person, and one's reaction to a person invariably has more to do with one's own personality and life experience than with the actual person herself.”