“..A hawk soared over our carriage, letting out a high, piercing cry of defiance, and I wanted to jump out of the window and fly with it”
“When hawks cry, time to fly.”
“The owl flies, in the moonlight, over a field where the wounded cry out. Like the owl, I fly in the night over my own misfortune.”
“So tonight, when I have that dream, the dream where I know I am dreaming, I won't be scared of falling from the open window. Instead, I will go to the window and look out into the strange and unfamiliar world. And I will leap from the window, and I won't just fly. I will soar.”
“That morning she pours Teacher's over my belly and licks it off. That afternoon she tries to jump out the window.”
“When a banker jumps out of a window, jump after him - that's where the money is”