“My heart only have one thought, one want. One néed. Despite all, in spite of all....All my heart has ever wanted is you.”
“My heart only ever had one thought, one want. One need. Despite all, in spite of all...All my heart has ever wanted is you.”
“No one else will ever know the strength of my love for you. After all, you’re the only one who knows the sound of my heart from the inside.”
“I want the dead to be deadforever.I don't want to be one of them,Except of course you can't be one of them.You can't be one of the deadbecause that which, has no existence can have no community.No community!My heart warms just thinking about it--blackness, aloneness,silence, peace,and all of it only a heartbeat away.[ The Sunset Limited - 2011 ]”
“At that time I told myself that I didn't want to fall in love ever again. But that night while praying for your happiness Nana, I thought that despite all the wounds and all the pains it could cause I wanted to dream again, and love someone with all my heart.”
“Why did Baudelaire — why does anyone — write poetry, in the teeth of all the evidence that one wants you to do so? No one wants you to write it and having written it in spite of them, no one wants to read it. Above all, no one wants to pay for it. For better or worse, a poem has a hard time turning into a commodity.”