“Preserve, Conserve, Inspire, Teach. Empowering children to be planet-citizens; to care about the planet, themselves and eachtother! Breath-of-fresh-air books that speak to the heart of children - is what matters to me." —Stephanie Tara, author, mom, activist”
“An author who speaks about their own books is almost as bad as a mother who speaks about her own children.”
“For in the final analysis, our most basic common link, is that we all inhabit this small planet, we all breathe the same air, we all cherish our children's futures, and we are all mortal.”
“Remember: Inspired Children Become Empowered Adults That Help Brighten Humanity!Bullying Ben”
“While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.”
“If you want to help better inspire our world...go out and empower the lives of children. If you want to inspire your life...do the same”