“There are few things worse than having feelings for someone you shouldn't, and I don't like where my thoughts were headed.”
“there were worse things than feeling guilty, like feeling dead.”
“The Olympians were a reminder that there was always someone better than you, so you shouldn't get a big head.”
“I'm Kakashi Hatake. Things I like and things I hate… I don't feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future… never really thought about it. As for my hobbies… I have lots of hobbies.”
“The thing is, you don't get to know. It's not like you wake up with a bad feeling in your stomach. You don't see shadows where there shouldn't be any. You don't remember to tell your parents you love them or--in my case--remember to say good-bye to them at all.”
“There were few things worse than being ordinary, in Evie’s opinion. Ordinary was for suckers.”