“Kids learn not so much from what they're taught as from what they do.”

Stephanie S. Tolan

Stephanie S. Tolan - “Kids learn not so much from what...” 1

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“What we learn from history is that we do not learn from history”

Benjamin Disraeli
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“but what is it you wanted to learn from the teachings and teachers, and those who taught you so much, what could they not teach you?" and he concluded: "it was the i, whose meaning and essence i wanted to learn. it was the i, from which i wanted release, which i wanted to conquer. but i could not conquer it, i could only deceive it, only flee from it, only hide myself from it. truly, nothing in the world has taken up so much of my thinking as this i of mine, this conundrum, that i am alive, that i am one and separate and cut off from everyone else, that i am siddhartha! and about nothing in the world do i know less about than me, about siddhartha!”

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