“Mother, whose heart hung humble as a button the bright splendid shroud of your son,Do not weep.War is kind.”
“I turned and faced the Olympians."We need a shroud," I announced, my voice cracking. "A shroud for the son of Hermes.”
“Do not despair.........For Johnny-head-in-air;He sleeps as sound.....As Johnny underground.Fetch out no shroud....For Johnny-in-the-cloud;And keep your tears....For him in after years.Better by far..........For Johnny-the-bright-star,To keep your head......And see his children fed.”
“Oh, be humble, my brother, in your prosperity! Whose virtue is a deficiency of temptation, whose success may be a chance, whose rank may be an ancestor's accident, whose prosperity is very likely a satire.”
“What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8”
“My dear young women, with all my heart I urge you not to look to contemporary culture for your role models and mentors. Please look to your faithful mothers for a pattern to follow. Model yourselves after them, not after celebrities whose standards are not the Lord's standards and whose values may not reflect an eternal perspective. Look to your mother.”