“The people who actually make the advances in theoretical physics don't think in these categories that the philosophers and the historians of science subsequently invent for them”
“I am now convinced that theoretical physics is actual philosophy.”
“People can be teachers and idiots; they can be philosophers and idiots; they can be politicians and idiots... in fact I think they have to be... a genius can be an idiot. The world is largely run for and by idiots; it is no great handicap in life and in certain areas is actually a distinct advantage and even a prerequisite for advancement.”
“The thing about people who are truly and malignantly crazy: their real genius is for making the people around them think they themselves are crazy. In military science this is called Psy-Ops, for your info.”
“The world is divided into two categories of people: those who shit in drinking water and those who don't.”
“I was thinking about this tonight, actually, that maybe I want strangers to think I'm cool since people who actually know me don't.”