“It's how we see the world that keeps the darkness beyond at bay. Keeps it from pouring through and devouring us. I think all of us might know that, way down deep.”
“It's what we think we know that keeps us from learning.”
“It's not always what we don't know that gets in our way; sometimes it's what we think we know that keeps us from learning.”
“The TSA must think we're mushrooms. You know, the way they are trying to keep us in the dark, and the way they keep feeding us a fertilizing agent that comes from the south end of a north-bound cow.”
“..:Intimidation keeps us from enjoying life to its fullest. Procrastination keeps us from developing our skills. Fear paralizes us and keeps us from trying. And renewing our minds is the start line to break free from all of this. Remember, if we dare, "We can do all things through Christ who strenghtens us.":..”
“It is what we think we know that keeps us from learning.”